Spoken InkÆsop's Fables
- The Wolf And The Lamb
- The Bat And The Weasels
- The Ass And The Grasshopper
- The Lion And The Mouse
- The Charcoal-burner And The Fuller
- The Father And His Sons
- The Boy Hunting Locusts
- The Cock And The Jewel
- The Kingdom Of The Lion
- The Wolf And The Crane
- The Fisherman Piping
- Hercules And The Wagoner
- The Ants And The Grasshopper
- The Traveler And His Dog
- The Dog And The Shadow
- The Mole And His Mother
- The Herdsman And The Lost Bull
- The Hare And The Tortoise
- The Pomegranate, Apple-tree, And Bramble
- The Farmer And The Stork
- The Farmer And The Snake
- The Fawn And His Mother
- The Bear And The Fox
- The Swallow And The Crow
- The Mountain In Labor
- The Ass, The Fox, And The Lion
- The Tortoise And The Eagle
- The Flies And The Honey-pot
- The Man And The Lion
- The Farmer And The Cranes
- The Dog In The Manger
- The Fox And The Goat
- The Bear And The Two Travelers
- The Oxen And The Axle-trees
- The Thirsty Pigeon
- The Raven And The Swan
- The Goat And The Goatherd
- The Miser
- The Sick Lion
- The Horse And Groom
- The Ass And The Lapdog
- The Lioness
- The Boasting Traveler
- The Cat And The Cock
- The Piglet, The Sheep, And The Goat
- The Boy And The Filberts
- The Lion In Love
- The Laborer And The Snake
- The Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing
- The Ass And The Mule
- The Frogs Asking For A King
- The Boys And The Frogs
- The Sick Stag
- The Salt Merchant And His Ass
- The Oxen And The Butchers
- The Lion, The Mouse, And The Fox
- The Vain Jackdaw
- The Goatherd And The Wild Goats
- The Mischievous Dog
- The Fox Who Had Lost His Tail
- The Boy And The Nettles
- The Man And His Two Sweethearts
- The Astronomer
- The Wolves And The Sheep
- The Old Woman And The Physician
- The Fighting Cocks And The Eagle
- The Charger And The Miller
- The Fox And The Monkey
- The Horse And His Rider
- The Belly And The Members
- The Vine And The Goat
- Jupiter And The Monkey
- The Widow And Her Little Maidens
- The Shepherd’s Boy And The Wolf
- The Cat And The Birds
- The Kid And The Wolf
- The Ox And The Frog
- The Shepherd And The Wolf
- The Father And His Two Daughters
- The Farmer And His Sons
- The Crab And Its Mother
- The Heifer And The Ox
- The Swallow, The Serpent, And The Court Of Justice
- The Thief And His Mother
- The Old Man And Death
- The Fir-tree And The Bramble
- The Mouse, The Frog, And The Hawk
- The Man Bitten By A Dog
- The Two Pots
- The Wolf And The Sheep
- The Aethiop
- The Fisherman And His Nets
- The Huntsman And The Fisherman
- The Old Woman And The Wine-jar
- The Fox And The Crow
- The Two Dogs
- The Stag In The Ox-stall
- The Hawk, The Kite, And The Pigeons
- The Widow And The Sheep
- The Wild Ass And The Lion
- The Eagle And The Arrow
- The Sick Kite
- The Lion And The Dolphin
- The Lion And The Boar
- The One-eyed Doe
- The Shepherd And The Sea
- The Ass, The Cock, And The Lion
- The Mice And The Weasels
- The Mice In Council
- The Wolf And The Housedog
- The Rivers And The Sea
- The Playful Ass
- The Three Tradesmen
- The Master And His Dogs
- The Wolf And The Shepherds
- The Dolphins, The Whales, And The Sprat
- The Ass Carrying The Image
- The Two Travelers And The Axe
- The Old Lion
- The Old Hound
- The Bee And Jupiter
- The Milk-woman And Her Pail
- The Seaside Travelers
- The Brazier And His Dog
- The Ass And His Shadow
- The Ass And His Masters
- The Oak And The Reeds
- The Fisherman And The Little Fish
- The Hunter And The Woodman
- The Wild Boar And The Fox
- The Lion In A Farmyard
- Mercury And The Sculptor
- The Swan And The Goose
- The Swollen Fox
- The Fox And The Woodcutter
- The Birdcatcher, The Partridge, And The Cock
- The Monkey And The Fishermen
- The Flea And The Wrestler
- The Two Frogs
- The Cat And The Mice
- The Lion, The Bear, And The Fox
- The Doe And The Lion
- The Farmer And The Fox
- The Seagull And The Kite
- The Philosopher, The Ants, And Mercury
- The Mouse And The Bull
- The Lion And The Hare
- The Peasant And The Eagle
- The Image Of Mercury And The Carpenter
- The Bull And The Goat
- The Dancing Monkeys
- The Fox And The Leopard
- The Monkeys And Their Mother
- The Oaks And Jupiter
- The Hare And The Hound
- The Traveler And Fortune
- The Bald Knight
- The Shepherd And The Dog
- The Lamp
- The Lion, The Fox, And The Ass
- The Bull, The Lioness, And The Wild-boar Hunter
- The Oak And The Woodcutters
- The Hen And The Golden Eggs
- The Ass And The Frogs
- Men Often Bear Little Grievances With Less Courage Than They Do Large
- The Crow And The Raven
- The Trees And The Axe
- The Crab And The Fox
- The Woman And Her Hen
- The Ass And The Old Shepherd
- The Kites And The Swans
- The Wolves And The Sheepdogs
- The Hares And The Foxes
- The Bowman And Lion
- The Camel
- The Wasp And The Snake
- The Dog And The Hare
- The Bull And The Calf
- The Stag, The Wolf, And The Sheep
- The Peacock And The Crane
- The Fox And The Hedgehog
- The Eagle, The Cat, And The Wild Sow
- The Thief And The Innkeeper
- The Mule
- The Hart And The Vine
- The Serpent And The Eagle
- The Crow And The Pitcher
- The Two Frogs
- The Wolf And The Fox
- The Walnut-tree
- The Gnat And The Lion
- The Monkey And The Dolphin
- The Jackdaw And The Doves
- The Horse And The Stag
- The Kid And The Wolf
- The Prophet
- The Fox And The Monkey
- The Thief And The Housedog
- The Man, The Horse, The Ox, And The Dog
- The Apes And The Two Travelers
- The Wolf And The Shepherd
- The Hares And The Lions
- The Lark And Her Young Ones
- The Fox And The Lion
- The Weasel And The Mice
- The Boy Bathing
- The Ass And The Wolf
- The Seller Of Images
- The Fox And The Grapes
- The Man And His Wife
- The Peacock And Juno
- The Hawk And The Nightingale
- The Dog, The Cock, And The Fox
- The Wolf And The Goat
- The Lion And The Bull
- The Goat And The Ass
- The Town Mouse And The Country Mouse
- The Wolf, The Fox, And The Ape
- The Fly And The Draught-mule
- The Fishermen
- The Lion And The Three Bulls
- The Fowler And The Viper
- The Horse And The Ass
- The Fox And The Mask
- The Geese And The Cranes
- The Blind Man And The Whelp
- The Dogs And The Fox
- The Cobbler Turned Doctor
- The Wolf And The Horse
- The Brother And The Sister
- The Wasps, The Partridges, And The Farmer
- The Crow And Mercury
- The North Wind And The Sun
- The Two Men Who Were Enemies
- The Gamecocks And The Partridge
- The Quack Frog
- The Lion, The Wolf, And The Fox
- The Dog’s House
- The Wolf And The Lion
- The Birds, The Beasts, And The Bat
- The Spendthrift And The Swallow
- The Fox And The Lion
- The Owl And The Birds
- The Trumpeter Taken Prisoner
- The Ass In The Lion’s Skin
- The Sparrow And The Hare
- The Flea And The Ox
- The Goods And The Ills
- The Dove And The Crow
- Mercury And The Workmen
- The Eagle And The Jackdaw
- The Fox And The Crane
- Jupiter, Neptune, Minerva, And Momus
- The Eagle And The Fox
- The Man And The Satyr
- The Ass And His Purchaser
- The Two Bags
- The Stag At The Pool
- The Jackdaw And The Fox
- The Lark Burying Her Father
- The Gnat And The Bull
- The Bitch And Her Whelps
- The Dogs And The Hides
- The Shepherd And The Sheep
- The Grasshopper And The Owl
- The Monkey And The Camel
- The Peasant And The Apple-tree
- The Two Soldiers And The Robber
- The Trees Under The Protection Of The Gods
- The Mother And The Wolf
- The Ass And The Horse
- Truth And The Traveler
- The Manslayer
- The Lion And The Fox
- The Lion And The Eagle
- The Hen And The Swallow
- The Buffoon And The Countryman
- The Crow And The Serpent
- The Hunter And The Horseman
- The King’s Son And The Painted Lion
- The Cat And Venus
- The She-goats And Their Beards
- The Miller, His Son, And Their Ass
- The Crow And The Sheep
- The Fox And The Bramble
- The Wolf And The Lion
- The Dog And The Oyster
- The Ant And The Dove
- The Partridge And The Fowler
- The Flea And The Man
- The Thieves And The Cock
- The Dog And The Cook
- The Travelers And The Plane-tree
- The Hares And The Frogs
- The Lion, Jupiter, And The Elephant
- The Lamb And The Wolf
- The Rich Man And The Tanner
- The Shipwrecked Man And The Sea
- The Mules And The Robbers
- The Viper And The File
- The Lion And The Shepherd
- The Camel And Jupiter
- The Panther And The Shepherds
- The Ass And The Charger
- The Eagle And His Captor
- The Bald Man And The Fly
- The Olive-tree And The Fig-tree
- The Eagle And The Kite
- The Ass And His Driver
- The Thrush And The Fowler
- The Rose And The Amaranth
- The Frogs’ Complaint Against The Sun